
X-ray technology offers versatile capabilities that make it well-suited for a wide range of sorting applications across various industries. Gulmay x-ray generators are used in a wide range of sorting applications including x-ray fluorescence systems that sort many of the world’s diamonds.

X-ray technology is employed in sorting applications across various industries to inspect and classify items based on their internal properties or composition. Gulmay x-ray generators are used in the following sorting X-ray sorting applications.

X-ray Sorting Applications

Food Inspection

X-ray systems are used in the food industry to inspect products for foreign objects, such as metal, glass, or stone contaminants. This ensures food safety by identifying and removing potentially hazardous items from the production line.

Quality Control in Manufacturing

X-ray inspection is utilised in manufacturing processes to assess the quality and integrity of products. For example, in automotive manufacturing, X-ray systems can be used to inspect welds for defects or to verify the integrity of critical components.

Recycling and Waste Management

X-ray technology is employed in recycling facilities to sort and classify materials such as metals, plastics, and glass. X-ray scanners can identify and separate different types of materials based on their density, composition, or other internal characteristics, facilitating the recycling process.

Security Screening of Mail and Packages

X-ray systems are used by postal services and courier companies to screen mail and packages for suspicious items, such as explosives or illicit substances. X-ray scanners can detect anomalies in the internal structure of parcels, alerting security personnel to potential threats.

Mining and Mineral Processing

X-ray fluorescence is used in mining and mineral processing to detect diamonds and identify valuable minerals and assess their quality, helping mining companies optimise their operations.

Contact us today to discover how Gulmay x-ray generators can add value to your sorting, recycling or product recovery x-ray solutions.

Gulmay Generators for the X-ray Sorting Industry

Gulmay’s high-power generators power the x-ray fluorescence systems that sort many of the world’s diamondsGulmay offers a wide range of high-power generators for sorting applications, including X-ray fluorescence systems that sort many of the world’s diamonds. Whether you’re sorting diamonds, batteries, ores, or plastics, Gulmay’s X-ray generators offer superior performance backed up by a Global support network you can trust.

X-ray Sorting Applications

FC Series

FC generators are designed inhouse by Gulmay engineers for low powered NDT applications such as tyre inspection. Read More

X-ray Sorting Applications

CP Series

CP generators continue to provide a reliable and dependable solution for a wide range of high powered NDT applications. Read More

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